Centre Wellington approves agreement to light up Elora’s Green Space despite concerns it’s “excessive”
Centre Wellington council expressed concerns with a proposal to light the Green Space in downtown Elora over the winter holidays.
Green Space is the name of the location, which now provides an oasis in town where a gas station used to sit.
Despite those concerns council did enter into an agreement with Kat Florence Canada Company Limited to pay approximately $26,000 a year to install the lights for four months in the winter.
Township staff noted the decorations put up last year that were bright enough for the photo cells on the street lights to mistake the light for day light and suggested the sensitivity of those lights may need to be adjusted. There were also other concerns related to the effect of the lights on the trees.
Councillor Bronwynne Wilton said the proposal runs counter to the climate change and environmental stewardship portion of the Township’s strategic plan and was concerned about the kind of message this project would send.