Restoration of balcony for former Commercial Hotel in Elora approved
The former Commercial Hotel in Elora will soon be getting its historic balcony back, after getting approval at a meeting earlier this week.
The heritage building once had a balcony that overhung onto the sidewalk with several pillars.
Encroachment onto township property will occur with the new pillars on the sidewalk, but Centre Wellington Managing Director of Infrastructure Services Colin Baker says they are strategically designed to be practical and meet AODA standards.
Baker says there will be a clear opening of two metres and a 3.5 metre overhead clearence. He added the balcony will be tied into the structure at the second level, bolted into the concrete sidewalk.
Nonetheless, the encroachment raised concerns from several members including Coun. Kim Jefferson. and some praise from Mayor Shawn Watters.
CICW has more from this week’s Centre Wellington council meeting.