Sutton Museum helps people prepare in the face of natural disaster
The Sutton Museum of Communications and History is helping people get prepared in the face of natural disaster with its current temporary exhibition “Disaster! Are You Ready?”.
Museologist behind the exhibition, Michel Harnois, explained “that as an individual, as a family, and as community”, people aren’t ready to face the potentials challenges that follow natural hazards.
With unpredictable natural hazard events, such as ice storms and snow storms, happening on a daily basis, “Catastrophe: Are you ready?” is all about having visitors understand that everyone has a part to play in resolving issues that may arise as a result, noted Harnois.
As an educational resource in Sutton, visitors of the museum’s exhibition will have the opportunity to learn how to prepare an emergency kit and how to can create and implement an emergency plan if their community is facing a potential natural disaster.
The exhibition runs until Oct. 14.