University of Windsor OPUS can drive helps students dealing with increased food prices
With the weather getting colder and high food prices rising, paying for groceries can be a huge hurdle for students. For those who have moved away from home and are now providing for themselves in university, it’s even more difficult.
According to the Canada Food Report of 2023, prices have increased around 5-7% over the year of 2022. Alone, that may seem manageable; however, with students also needing to spend thousands of dollars every semester to complete their education, the costs can add up.
The University of Windsor’s Organization for Part-time University Students (OPUS) ran a can drive from November 1st to December 7th. Donations will be going to the University’s food pantry. OPUS President, Chris Baillargeon, describes the need for the can drive, past attempts to keep it going through the COVID-19 pandemic, and OPUS’ mission to support the University of Windsor students as much as possible.